Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Pi day!!

Happy pi day everyone! 3.14. It's a great number. I honestly can't think of anything better. A day where the world celebrates math by eating baked desserts. It's everything I love wrapped up in one special day. I, unfortunately, had to work today and never got around to making any pie. Sad, I know. But, I do have a bunch of pictures of delicious pie I've made in the past that I've been meaning to share with y'all. So, in celebration of a very important number, enjoy all the pie you want.

 This is a fresh cream berry tart that I made. The filling was so tasty. It was the perfect blend of creamy and sweet without being too heavy. This was also when I learned that if you glaze your berries with apricot jam they shine beautifully.
 This tart is something that I am very proud of. It is a plum tart with a lemon shortbread crust. That's right. Lemon. It was the tastiest thing I have ever tried in my life. The lemon contrasted with the plums so beautifully. Funny story about this particular tart though. I made one for dinner one night and as I was carrying it into the dining room, the pie slid right off the stand I had it on. I watched in horror as my beautiful and delicious creation flipped perfectly in the air and landed upside down on the floor. There was no saving the tart. (see full story here.) I can laugh about it now, but at the time, I was so angry and upset with myself. No one at that dinner got to taste the perfection that is this recipe. Of course, I had to make it again another time, so I suppose it all turned out well in the end.
And here we have apple butter hand pies. I made the apple butter from scratch using five different types of apples. It was thick and tasty and I didn't even have to add extra sugar for it to be just the right amount of sweet. And then you add a wonderful flakey crust and you get the perfect little portable treat. Hand pies are wonderful to eat for breakfast on the go when you're running late. ;)

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