Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kakes with Kelda's new specialty!

I know, I know... It has been way too long. I have plenty of cakes that I did, but I've been neglecting updating this. Mainly because I've been neglecting taking pictures. I don't have a decent camera, so I always feel my pictures never really do justice. Once I get a few decent pictures, I promise, you'll see all the cakes that I've done. But for now, I have a new announcement!

It all starts with a normal boring Wednesday. My roommate Kenlynn and I were watching the travel channel (yes, we were really that bored). All of a sudden, Kenlynn comes running in the room, grabs her computer, and with much more excitement than I expected exclaimed, "I know what I can do! I'm going to make waffles from cake batter!'

Now, being the baking person that I am, I perked up. Cake batter? Waffles? Should those even be mixed? Well, it turns out that yes. Yes they should. Kenlynn quickly mixed up a box cake mix (Don't judge. Even I cut corners sometimes.) And we pulled out the waffle iron. We put the first scoop of batter in and weren't quite sure what to expect. See... we've had many a waffle making extravaganza, but cake batter just seemed strange. The first waffle wouldn't come out of the iron. It was too soft and crumbly. So, the second one we left in a little longer. This worked much better. It was the perfect balance of crispy waffle outside, and soft moist cake inside.

It was at this moment that I started wishing for raspberry syrup. And, although I didn't have any of that, I did have vanilla bean ice cream. I pulled it out and quickly decided that this was how waffle cakes must be eaten.  Then I remembered some cherry syrup I had in the fridge (not as tasty, and I certainly don't want to use it again, but it worked for the experiment).

Now, here comes the sad news. I took pictures. None of them do it justice. But, I will show you one. Please don't judge too harshly. They were much tastier looking in real life.

And now for the exciting part! This is going to be the house specialty when I open my bakery. Waffle cakes. I'm excited to try it out with different flavors of cake, ice cream, and syrups. And, to give credit where credit is due, the idea was Kenlynn's who heard from someone else that it was tasty. 

Again, sorry for the wait, and I promise to update with wedding cakes and party cakes soon.
